Wednesday, June 27, 2012

True or false?

Don't believe everything they tell you. Do you homework, be observant!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Want flat abs?

About 80 percent of your ability to reduce excess body fat is determined by what you eat, with the other 20 percent related to exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits such as sleep and stress reduction. What this means is that if your diet is based on sugar/fructose and processed junk food, your chances of getting flat, ripped abs, even if you work out religiously, are quite slim...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Make Your Own Organic Fertilizer

With gardening season upon us, I thought this post would be a great help to people.
Let's not put chemical and junk and those beautiful vegetables we are spending so much time on growing.

Make Your Own Organic Fertilizer

Let's see those green thumbs!!

Be smart, stay healthy